
Coming Soon!!

If you are interested in a puppy from Queen City Retrievers send us a message at puppies@queencityretrievers.com so we can start the conversation about putting the perfect lab in your home! 

Registration: All puppies come with a AKC limited registration. Full registration can be granted once a Junior Hunter Title (or equivalent) is secured, or for an additional fee once genetic testing is completed by the owner. 

Guarantee: Puppies are guaranteed to be in good health and free of any genetic illness that could result in the death of the puppy in the first two years of life. Should the buyer provide evidence from a licensed veterinarian that a genetic illness caused death, Queen City Retrievers LLC will replace your puppy with a comparable puppy from our next litter. This guarantee shall not cover death caused by lack of care or any accidental death. 

We HIGHLY recommend that you purchase pet insurance the day that you take your puppy home!
